Gym Equipment has 362 times more Bacteria than a Toilet Seat!

You would never touch a dirty toilet seat and then wipe sweat out of your eyes, right? Well, according to a terrifying new analysis of bacteria found in gyms, you’re probably already doing something way worse. In a recent experiment, examined bacterial samples taken from 27 common pieces of workout equipment at large chains around the country. And let’s just say the results aren’t pleasant. Use Disinfecting Gym Wipes for safty.
According to the report, our sweat accessories are actually way germier than some of the gross surfaces we come into contact with everyday. Case in point: An exercise bike has 39 times more bacteria than a plastic cafeteria tray and the treadmill has 79 times more bacteria than a water faucet.
But the worst offender? Free weights. Next time you go to pick up your favorite Dumbbells for curls, keep in mind that researchers discovered that these babies had 362 times (!!!) more bacteria than a toilet seat. Excuse us while we go invest in some Wow Wipes…
So why are weights so gross? Most of us are fairly good at wiping down cardio machines before and after we use them. But chances are, you probably aren’t as diligent about bringing those Antibacterial Wipes around with you while doing your weights.
Since it’s kind of impossible to police who’s wiping down what at the gym, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth until you can hit the showers. Because you really don’t want to contract one of these seven disgusting diseases you can get at the gym.