Month: May 2023

Are Baby Wipes Safe for Dogs?

With the easy availability of baby wipes in most places, people these days prefer to use them only for different purposes. Other than wiping babies, many people also use them for wiping off make-up or cleaning surfaces. Being handy, some people also started using baby wipes for cleaning their dogs. But there are many pet parents who are concerned about the use of baby wipes on their dogs. They are in doubt whether these baby wipes are safe for dogs or not.

We do understand that baby wipes do not contain harmful chemicals as they are made for infants. But one needs to understand that there is a difference between human babies and fur babies. The sensitivity and the pH level of their skin vary from each other. That is why we say ‘NO’ to using baby wipes for dogs. Or if you are using them, do not use them regularly to avoid any harmful effects.

Precautions to take if using baby wipes for cleaning dogs

If you have no other resort than using baby wipes on your dog, then here are a few precautions you must take.

  • Never use baby wipes on sensitive body parts of dogs, as that might cause itching to them. It can also leave them feeling irritated due to its harmful effects.
  • Read the label to know about the ingredients to check which chemicals are available in those baby wipes. Avoid using baby wipes with that chemicals that adversely affect the dog’s skin.
  • Do not make a habit of using baby wipes regularly.

What kind of wipes are suitable for dogs?

It is natural for dogs to get dirty every now and then. But as a pet parents, we need to ensure that we can clean all that dirt away to keep them free from infections. We know that bathing them every day is not a possibility. That is why the companies like The Core Clean are manufacturing safe and reliable pet wipes for cleaning your dogs. There are no better wipes than these when it comes to wiping off the dirt from the skin or fur of your dogs.

Unlike baby wipes, these pet wipes are specially designed for dogs by keeping their skin condition in mind. They are free of all the allergens or chemicals that can affect the skin of dogs. They are also suitable for cleaning the sensitive areas of dogs after taking a dump or during a dog’s menstrual cycle.

If you are in search of Best Wipes for Dogs, then check with The Core Clean Company. From pet wipes to sanitizing wipes, they have a variety of wipes available with them at affordable prices.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind When Using Anti Bacterial Sanitising Surface Wipes

After the spread of COVID-19, people have become more conscious of cleanliness and sanitization. It has led to an increase in the use of anti bacterial sanitising surface wipes. They are used for wiping the dust from floors, wiping door knobs, countertops, and many other surfaces. But to use them effectively, there are a few things one must keep in mind when using these wipes. In this blog, we are sharing those things to help you make use of anti bacterial sanitising wipes properly.

Ensure that you are using the right wipes

Ever since antibacterial wipes have become popular, a variety of anti-bacterial sanitising wipes are available in the market. However, not all wipes are effective in sanitising the surface and killing viruses and bacteria. It is one of the reasons why we always suggest making use of the right anti bacterial surface sanitising wipes. You can go for the Core Clean Company wipes to buy the best anti-bacterial wipes. There are a variety of sanitising and disinfectant wipes available in the market. But not all wipes can be used for cleaning surfaces. So make sure that you choose the surface wiping wipes only instead of choosing any other.

Store the anti bacterial sanitising surface wipes properly

The first and foremost important thing is to keep your anti bacterial sanitising surface wipes in the right manner. These wipes come in a box or in plastic packaging with a lid to seal them properly. Leaving the lid open will turn the wipes dry. The dry wipes are no longer beneficial to us when it comes to cleaning or sanitizing the surface. The anti-bacterial solution of the wipes gets evaporated making them ineffective to use for cleaning surfaces. That is why we advise one to close the lid properly after taking the anti-bacterial wipes out for use. It will help in keeping them moist and effectively sanitize surfaces.

Never use the same wipe again

Most of us have the habit of using the same wipes on different surfaces until it gets covered with dust. People also feel that until the wipe is damp, it can be used again and again. But using the same wipe on multiple surfaces can do more harm than good. It can spread viruses and bacteria from one surface to other through sanitizing wipes. It is one of the reasons why we advise using anti bacterial sanitising surface wipes only one time. After one use, throw it away if you do not want to spread the bacteria.

We hope now you know which anti-bacterial wipes to choose and how to use them properly. If you are also in search of efficient anti-bacterial wipes to keep the surface clean and free from bacteria, go for Core Clean Company. From anti bacterial sanitising surface wipes to disinfectant wipes, they have a variety of wipes available with them. They manufacture and supply high-quality wipes which are highly effective and are available at the best market prices.