Month: January 2023

Disinfecting Wipes and Its Multiple Uses at Present

Disinfecting surfaces has become a basic necessity to keep oneself safe from bacteria and viruses. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people invested in disinfecting wipes and products to clean everything. It has helped a lot in curbing the spread of the harmful virus. At present, disinfecting wipes have become one of the essential products for sanitizing and cleaning multiple things and surfaces.


What are disinfecting wipes?


Disinfecting wipes are disposable pre-moistened clothes that carry some cleaning agents and a liquid solution that helps disinfect surfaces by killing bacteria and germs. These wipes are designed and manufactured for multiple uses. Unlike other cleaning methods, these disinfecting wipes are convenient for cleaning and sanitizing surfaces. You can use these wipes in place of disinfecting solutions or sprays.


Uses of disinfecting wipes


Disinfecting personal devices and gadgets – We carry our personal devices or most of our gadgets at almost every place we go. As they get exposed to various environments, they get infected with numerous bacteria and germs. There is a high risk of transmission of viruses and diseases through our laptops, headphones, and smartphones, causing infection to us. Keeping these devices and gadgets clean is now possible by simply wiping them using disinfecting wipes.


Wiping spills and messes – It is not possible to carry sprays or mop to clean spills and messes everywhere. That is when the disinfecting wipes come to help. One can clean all food messes or beverage spills using disinfecting wipes. It is easy to carry these wipes due to the packaging they arrive in.


Sanitizing body parts – With the help of disinfecting wipes, it is possible to sanitize your body parts too. They can be used in place of hand sanitizers. They are also used to clean and sanitize the face, sweat, hands, and feet. Gymgoers can also use them to keep themselves sanitized after exercise. Or to sanitize the gym equipment before using them. If you are buying disinfecting wipes for sanitizing your face or hands, buy them from the best manufacturer.


We all know that the most common use of disinfecting wipes is cleaning and sanitizing different types of surfaces. Other than that, one can use them to disinfect bathroom fixtures, clean the exterior and interior of cars, sanitize baby toys, and many more. If you plan to buy disinfecting wipes for all or any of these uses, buy from Core Clean. You will find the best eco-friendly disinfecting wipes for all these uses with them.

3 Benefits of using Anti-Bacterial Wipes in today’s time

After the spread of COVID-19, people have become more conscious of their health. They want to keep themselves away from any bacteria or viruses. It has increased the demand for several disinfectant products and sanitizers in the market. One of the widely used disinfectant products today is anti-bacterial wipes. Compared to other disinfectant wipes, anti-bacterial wipes are more convenient.


Be it your home, workplace, or any other place; one can use these wipes anywhere. In this blog, we are sharing a few benefits of anti-bacterial wipes with you.


Best suited for multiple-uses


Anti-bacterial wipes are designed for multiple uses. Though, one wipe is suitable to use only for one time. But they are versatile when it comes to using. One can make use of them for wiping their hands or skin. Many brands have manufactured anti-bacterial wipes for the face. Other than that, they are quite handy in wiping small spills or wiping any equipment. They are perfect for maintaining hygiene at your workplace, kitchen, study table, and other places.


Keeps one free from bacterial infections


With the environment we are working in, we are more likely to get infected by bacteria. We all know that we cannot see bacteria from the naked eye. But they are present on most surfaces we come in contact with in our day-to-day lives. Keeping an anti-bacterial wipe along is quite beneficial in such cases. It helps in sanitizing our hands as well as the surfaces too. So, keeping ourselves away from bacteria has become a bit easier with the help of these wipes.


Eco-friendly wipes


Earlier, the primary concern with using disinfectant wipes was that it was increasing landfill. But at present, most anti-bacterial wipe manufacturers have become aware of the environment. It has led to an increase in the manufacturing of biodegradable anti-bacterial wipes. These biodegradable wipes are easy to dispose of and decompose. It makes them perfect to use without causing any pollution in the environment, unlike other wipes or products.


Use anti-bacterial wipes to prevent bacterial infection


With the versatile uses of anti-bacterial wipes, we now know how beneficial they are for us. But ensure that you buy them from the right manufacturers, like Core Clean. They manufacture a variety of wipes, including anti-bacterial wipes, disinfectant wipes, and many others.